SPRING REGISTRATION INFORMATION If you need help contact presidentarlingtonrowing@gmail.com
We have streamlined the registration process. Click the button above to be taken to our new Google Form. It contains all the steps to fully register including links to FamilyID and USRowing!
Step 1
For athletes in the middle schools, you still have to go through the Arlington High School link on FamilyID to find Crew. The only option given is “Varsity.” Pick that and later in the form you will have the opportunity to choose your grade and age.
- NYS Education Department requires that any student playing a sport must have an athletic physical. As such, Arlington Central School District parents/guardians must complete the Athletic Registration via Family ID.
- As a reminder, students must complete an Emergency Medication Doctor’s Order Form if they are required to carry an inhaler, epi-pen, or Benadryl. Also, those with chronic illnesses or recent injuries must secure a note from their doctor advising that they are cleared for participation with no restrictions.
- Any questions regarding the athletic physicals and requirements should be directed to the Health Office at 845-486-4860, X31313. Please FAX any documents to 845-350-4182.
- The required forms may be found on the Athletics page at the bottom left – Sports Medical Forms. There are three that are required: Physical Exam, Health History, and Emergency Medication.
Step 2
SportsYou is an app that is used for communication between the coaches, athletes, and parents. You can find the app in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Use our unique access code 9JQ2-36NF to sign up for the Arlington Crew Group.
Athletes and parents should have their own profiles and both join the group to stay informed. There is also separate groups for just the parents, novice, varsity boys, and varsity girls groups so make sure you are a part of each one that applies(The group codes for these will be given later).
Step 3
Note to all rowers – All new and current rowers are required to A) be members of the US Rowing Association and B) take the SafeSport training course. See instructions below.
Please click the link below for instructions and code.
- Sign in to the USRA portal at https://membership.usrowing.org
- On the “Join USRowing” screen click on “join” under the “Individuals” box
- On the next screen, Enter information in the appropriate boxes. In the “Club or Team Name” box, type “ARL’ and select “Arlington Rowing Association-Arlington H.S.” A dropdown “Club Code Verification” box will appear. Type in our club code: TYHWX, and then click on “Submit Code”. Now click on the “Search” button. If you are under 18 years of age, a “Parental Consent” dropdown box will appear. Your parent or guardian must click on yes in this box.
- The “Membership Levels” box will appear. Select “Basic Membership” and then click the “submit” button.
- A “Member Editor” screen will appear. Fill in the appropriate information and then click the “submit” button. If you are under 18 years of age, the “Parental Consent” dropdown box will appear again. Your parent or guardian must click on yes in this box.
- The “Member Waiver “ screen will appear. Fill in your parents/guardian name in the appropriate box, check the “I understand and agree to the terms of the waiver” box and then click the “submit” button.
- The “Anti-Doping Compliance” screen will appear. Check “no” then click the “submit” button.
- The “Payment” screen will appear. Fill in the appropriate information for payment and then click the “submit” button.
- The “Confirmation” screen will appear. Print this screen or print the confirmation e-mail and give it to you coach at the next practice.
You will have to add “Arlington Rowing” to your profile.
1. Log In to your USRowing Profile.
2. Click “Join Organization”
3. Search for Arlington and select “Arlington Rowing Association-Arlington H.S.”
4. The box for the Club Code Verification will pop-up. Enter TYHWX and click “Join.”
B) Take the SafeSport training course
Effective January 1, 2022, participants 18 years of age or older (including coaches, board members, rowers and volunteers) are required to take SafeSport Training.
Please be sure to use the Enrollment Key on the SafeSport landing page, and enter the following key: NGBUSR-RFKt8f if you are new to the SafeSport training.
Complete your training soon to ensure you are able to compete.
SafeSport Training link: https://safesporttrained.org/#/signup
Step 4
The cost of Spring 2025 is $675.00. This fee can be paid in installments or in full. The total needs to be paid by Friday, March 7, 2025. If you have questions regarding payment, please reach out to our treasurer at ARAcrewtreasurer@gmail.com.
Make check payable to:
Arlington Rowing Association or ARA
Mail to:
Arlington Rowing Association (ARA)
PO Box 255
LaGrangeville, New York 12540
Step 5
Step 6
The following forms are only required for athletes attending away races and at the time of the race! Coach will also have a print out at the race to fill out if you need one.